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The Virtual Production Glossary

Volume operations in Virtual Production

Volume operations in Virtual Production

Volume operations is a Volume Operations term in filmmaking. In virtual production, the nuances of this term take on special meaning. Here, we break down the definition to give you a starting point.

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Basic Definition:

What is Volume operations in virtual production?

Volume operations is a term used for the group of people that control and operate the equipment in a virtual production environment, otherwise known as the 'brain bar.' This includes content distribution, image manipulation, camera tracking, recording, and creative data visualization. In essence, they act as the brain power behind making sure everything runs smoothly during shooting and post-production workflows. 

A typical volume operations team is made up of artists and engineers, who must have technical knowledge combined with creativity to be successful. It's their job to design, set up and maintain the systems needed for any given project and coordinate between departments such as graphics, animation, and audio engineering. During filming, these teams must ensure all cameras are properly calibrated, pictures are well aligned, objects are accurately tracked and real-time renders appear flawless on-screen. Without them, many projects would not come together effectively. 

But what happens when the volume operations department fails? If there isn't enough coordination between the various departments, the results can be disastrous. Lack of communication or incorrect settings will lead to problems like faulty motion capture or out-of-sync audio recordings – two big no-nos! To avoid this kind of nightmare situation, a strong team leader is usually appointed within volume operations to oversee the whole process and ensure nothing goes wrong. 

Some famous volume operations teams include those responsible for producing blockbuster films like Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Gravity, Avatar, and even A Christmas Carol. Each of these was possible due to the precision and hard work of its respective volume operations crew. All in all, the importance of having an experienced and talented volume operations team can never be understated. With the right professionals at hand, virtually anything can be achieved through virtual production.


The Virtual Production Glossary

The Illustrated Virtual Production Glossary, by SHOWRUNNER, is designed to help filmmakers and their crews understand the nuances of in-camera virtual production. (Based on the creative commons project