Photogrammetry is a Cinematography term in filmmaking. In virtual production, the nuances of this term take on special meaning. Here, we break down the definition to give you a starting point.
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Basic Definition:
What is Photogrammetry in virtual production?
Photogrammetry is a technique used to generate 3D models from multiple 2D photographs or point clouds derived from LIDAR scans, resulting in an automated construction of assets known as "sensor fusion". In virtual production, this process helps create realistic-looking environments by combining elements such as images, textures, and objects into one cohesive scene.
A key figure in the photogrammetry process is the Director of Photography (DP). It is their responsibility to make sure that all aspects of the project are captured accurately, including camera angles, positioning, lighting, etc. A well-executed photogrammetry session will allow for a much smoother transition when creating virtual worlds for previs or postvis. The DP must also be familiar with various software programs commonly used for photogrammetry, such as Agisoft Photoscan Pro and Reality Capture.
The benefits of using photogrammetry for virtual production are manifold. One advantage is the ability to easily capture high-quality imagery without having to re-create it later manually. This saves time and money by eliminating the need to rent equipment or build sets from scratch. Additionally, photogrammetry can quickly assemble highly detailed digital scenes while maintaining a consistent look throughout each take.
Some famous examples of photogrammetry in virtual production include movies like 'Blade Runner 2049' and 'Ready Player One.' In both films, intricate environments were created through sensor fusion, allowing filmmakers to envision immersive visual effects and construct entire worlds within minutes. Even video games like Destiny 2 have implemented photogrammetry techniques to recreate real-world locations within the game environment.
In conclusion, photogrammetry plays a vital role in virtual production, offering considerable cost savings and faster turnaround times than traditional methods of set creation. With the right team, complex 3D model assets can be built quickly and efficiently - allowing creators to bring even the most fantastical visions to life.