In-Camera Visual Effects (ICVFX) is a Virtual Production term in filmmaking. In virtual production, the nuances of this term take on special meaning. Here, we break down the definition to give you a starting point.
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Basic Definition:
What is In-Camera Visual Effects (ICVFX) in virtual production?
In-Camera Visual Effects (ICVFX) is a revolutionary new method of creating real-time special effects during production. It has been widely used in the film industry for some time and is gaining traction within virtual production circles. ICVFX can be defined as capturing visual effects live and in-camera on set, such as within an LED volume.
The person primarily responsible for implementing ICVFX in virtual production is the VFX Supervisor or TD. This individual will have to make sure that all aspects of the virtual environment are executed correctly in order to ensure realistic imagery. The TD must also ensure that any changes made to the scene do not conflict with what was initially planned by either the director or the client. Additionally, they should be knowledgeable about the entire pipeline so that they know how to incorporate their work into the overall creative vision of the project.
To get the most out of using ICVFX in virtual production, there are several good practices one should follow. First, it is important to plan ahead when setting up the shoot space and camera angle. This allows the supervisor to take full advantage of the potentials offered by ICVFX technology without compromising on other elements of the production design. Then, having a clear idea of what needs to be done before shooting begins ensures that everything runs smoothly once cameras start rolling. Finally, testing the equipment beforehand ensures smoothness throughout the production and helps minimize unexpected delays.