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The Virtual Production Glossary

Cleanup in Virtual Production

Cleanup in Virtual Production

Cleanup is a VFX term in filmmaking. In virtual production, the nuances of this term take on special meaning. Here, we break down the definition to give you a starting point.

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Basic Definition:

What is Cleanup in virtual production?

The use of post-production visual effects and compositing to address visual imperfections captured during production.

Post-production cleanup requires a meticulous eye to pick up on any imperfections, and the right skillset to be able to enhance footage with digital tools and techniques. A good cleanup artist should be able to manipulate elements such as camera shake, lens flares, undesirable reflections or shadows, bad cuts, etc., all while staying true to the original vision of the film.

There are certain practices that should always be followed when performing cleanup. It’s important to remember that cleanups can often take longer than you might expect, so budget and plan accordingly. Since cleanup artists will mostly be working with existing footage, it is essential that they have a thorough understanding of the story being told in order to make meaningful improvements without compromising the desired effect. Additionally, it's best to work with high-quality source material whenever possible; lower quality sources will inevitably require more manual cleanups which may reduce the overall quality of your final product.

When it comes to software used for cleanup, there are countless options out there ranging from free programs like Adobe After Effects and DaVinci Resolve, to paid options such as NukeX and Fusion Studio. Ultimately, the choice depends on what type of project you’re working on and the specific tasks at hand. Regardless of which software package you choose, one thing remains constant: attention to detail! Make sure to thoroughly review each frame for any unwanted artifacts before moving onto the next step. 


The Virtual Production Glossary

The Illustrated Virtual Production Glossary, by SHOWRUNNER, is designed to help filmmakers and their crews understand the nuances of in-camera virtual production. (Based on the creative commons project